How do we Love Lamasco?

Resourcing Neighbors

Family Friendly Events

Working Together



Inspiring Neighbors

What Is Love Lamasco?
Love Lamasco is a group of neighbors, businesses, churches, and organizations that are working together to make a positive impact in the Lamasco Neighborhood through a neighborhood revitalization initiative.

Who is involved in Love Lamasco?
Renew is excited to partner with the Lamasco Neighborhood Association in pursuing the Love Lamasco revitalization initiative.
Renew serves as the Lead Agent for the Neighborhood Revitalization initiative taking place in the Lamasco Neighborhood by making a long-term commitment to investment resources, finances, volunteers, and direction for the neighborhood.
Together, Renew postures ourselves to learn from non-profits, leaders, and organizations that are leading innovative and successful neighborhood revitalization efforts in our region. In addition, Renew receives coaching from Community One, an Evansville, faith-based non-profit that developed a proven framework and practical tools to empower churches and organizations to pursue neighborhood revitalization.

Why does Renew want to be involved in Neighborhood Revitilization?
Renew Christian Church has invested in the Lamasco Neighborhood since 2018. As we sought direction, it was our desire to develop a wholistic ministry that created a positive and sustainable changes in hearts, homes, and neighborhoods. We believe that Love Lamasco allows our church to show the love of God to neighbors by following Jesus’ example of being present and investing in genuine relationships.
Why Renew has chosen Neighborhood Revitilization to be our expression of mission and outreach in the Lamasco Neighborhood.

Why is Neighborhood Revitilization important in the Lamasco Neighborhood?
Like many other neighborhoods located in the urban core of our cities, the Lamasco Neighborhood has experienced the complex effects of generational poverty, cycles of dependency, and systemic injustices. Suburban sprawl has drawn interest, investment, and resources away from the core, accentuating the effects of disinvestment. Neighborhood Revitalization endeavors to empower and resource the greatest asset of our neighborhood, the NEIGHBORS THEMSELVES, to be the change they want to see for their future!
How Neighborhoods get left behind.

Where is the Lamasco Neighborhood?
The Lamasco Neighborhood is located one block south of Renew Christian Church. The Borders of the Lamasco Neighborhood are:
• Maryland Avenue (to the north)
• St. Joseph Avenue (to the west)
• W. Lloyd Expressway (to the south)
• Pigeon Creek (to the east)
How can I be part of Love Lamasco?
Jesus set an example of how ministry could look when He left the comforts of Heaven and came to earth to live among us. We believe the first step of ministry for Renew is to follow Jesus’ example and BE PRESENT in the places and with the people God has called us to love. Here are some examples of ways YOU can be present in the Lamasco Neighborhood.
• Spend time in a neighborhood park.
• Walk down a residential street.
• Eat lunch at a local restaurant.
• Participate in neighborhood events.
• Greet neighbors with a smile or wave.
• Drive down a residential street.
• Spend time shopping at the business.
• Visit Franklin Lanes with your friends.
• Prayer Walk around a neighborhood block.
• Take to so say high to neighbors you meet.
• Enjoy time with your family at the library.
Find Out More about why we Love Lamasco
Listen in on conversations we are having with local practitioners in Neighborhood Revitalization
Podcast with For Evansville and Fred Mulfinger, president of the Lamasco Neighborhood Association
A podcast with Austin Maxheimer, the Neighborhood Revitilization Director for Community One.
Missional Education Videos
Check out Renew’s Missional Education videos and learn more about how Love Lamasco was developed and some of the lessons our church and leaders learned on our journey to this out more about how Love Lamasco is an expression of mission, calling, restoration and the Gospel for Renew