Women's Ministry

At Renew, we want to see every woman grow into the image of Christ and into community with other believers. There are several opportunities designed for women to grow in their relationship with Jesus and one another.

Sunday Bible Study

Sunday Bible study provides a space to discuss, learn and reflect on God’s word. In this Bible study, members come together to read and discuss Scripture in a structured and meaningful way. Our goal is to understand the meaning of Scripture, apply it to our lives and gain spiritual growth.

Men's Ministry
Men's Ministry

Renew’s Mens Ministry is specifically designed to help men flourish in their relationships with God. Through Bible Studies, Growth and Leadership Groups, and Small Groups, men are challenged to grow in their faith, develop healthy relationships, and establish a lifestyle of leadership and service to God. At Renew, we desire to see our men thriving in the marriages, families, workplaces, and community!

Zume Training

Zúme means yeast in Greek. In Matthew 13:33, Jesus is quoted as saying, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a woman who took yeast and mixed it into a large amount of flour until it was all leavened.” This illustrates how ordinary people, using ordinary resources, can have an extraordinary impact for the Kingdom of God.


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